Mainly, the message content of commands and actions you perform, your user ID, your basic profile information (This is only stored on cache, RAM, not on disk.) such as avatar and username. Logs also exist of commands run per user ID. Sent image attachments are also cached (the URL, not the file). If a deletion event is received however they are removed.
These are really only used for the functionality of the bot. Without message content of commands, ... well we can't process your command. Your user ID is an identifier for your user in the database, for things such as the economy or XP. The logs are used mainly for abuse prevention and debugging. Remember that it's only logging command messages, unrelated messages are not stored anywhere. The image cache is used for running image commands without entering a URL.
Your data is not stored, however it is sent to external APIs to provide certain functionality. An example of this is the Urban Dictionary command, where it is necessary to send the word you entered or else it can't be processed
Your data is stored on a server with reasonable security measures (including but not limited to, SSH certificate authentication, encryption, locked down access permissions)
Please contact [email protected]
Due to the nature of the data collected, there is not currently a builtin process for deleting your data. Later, this might be an option. However, for the time being, please contact [email protected]
ziad87, your friendly neighborhood Bot Owner™